What to do when someone dies

Two pairs of slippers at the front door


Who do I call?

The first thing you will need to do is have a medical professional verify the death.  For example, a Doctor, Nurse or Ambulance Crew.

If there is already a plan in place, contact us on 0800 471 4689, and we will talk you through your loved ones wishes and what happens next.

If there is no plan in place, you can contact a member of our friendly professional team and we will advise you on your options and how we can support you.


Who do I need to tell?

You will need to notify various people and organisations of the death.  The below list will give you some guidance on where to start:

  • Let family and friends know. They will also be there to help and support you.
  • Register the death with the local Registrar to where your loved one passed away.
  • Contact the Bank and DWP (Department for Work and Pensions) for Pensions
  • Check if there is a Will and what you need to do to action it.
  • Check for any Life Insurance policies.
  • Cancel utility bills and Council Tax.
  • Notify the Landlord or Council if their home was rented.
  • Check if you are entitled to Government Bereavement Support Payment
  • Are there any pets that need to be cared for or re-homed


Look after yourself

Everyone grieves differently, so take time to look after yourself too.  Talk to friends and family and seek professional help if you need to.

Next of kin is the term used to describe your closest living relative, such as your spouse or civil partner. The UK does not have laws around who you can name as your next of kin, but there are specific rules for who takes responsibility when someone dies.